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Hope Is For Real

Posted by Jackie Jarawan on

No matter what you are facing, Christmas gives you a reason to Hope!

One of the best expressions we have found of the Christian understanding of hope comes from Jackie Jarawan in her blog titled "Hope" -

"Honestly though, hope has been far away at times ... I have struggled with depression. Disappointment. Discouragement. Fatigue. Weariness in the battle. Even frustration …

Hope does not lie in circumstances and emotions. It cannot…. like a river with all its twists and turns and rapids and calm, circumstances and emotions are always changing…. nothing is permanent. I must find the permanent, the forever, the eternal...... and rest there….

Hope is not an emotion. It is not a circumstance that works out….

Hope is a Person who comes to me. Hope walks across the water, climbs in my boat, fastens my life vest and says "Hold on. Keep looking at me, no matter how fast this boat spins or how high the waves rise. I am here. I will not leave. You can trust me. You are safe with me."

Hope reaches through the storm, and takes my face in His hands. He nods knowingly at my humanity. He aches with my ache, but prompts my heart to remember that it is finished because He finished it. He reigns over my circumstances, inviting me to look for his hand in the mystery and the change. He reigns over my emotions.

He is my real, unshakeable Hope."

To hear more about hope, listen to Sunday's Sermon "Unexpected Hope" 

Tags: church, christmas, hope, eve, issaquah

